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How can I buy SMS credits?

Use Following Steps & Buy SMS Credits:

1) Visit our website https://www.ssdweb.in/. On our website at the top menu bar, you can get SMS RECHARGE option click on that and raise the recharge request for required SMS volume.

Bulk SMS Recharge Request


2)  Login in our SMS portal For Login Process visit here.

3) Inside login, On the top menu bar, you can get Buy Credits option click on that.

Bulk SMS Buy Credits

4) After that click on Proceed option

Proceed to Recharge Request

5) you can get there Recharge request form fill that form with required volume and click on the submit button & send the recharge request.

OR click here for Recharge request Form.

6) After receiving your request we will raise the invoice and send to your registered email id. at the end of mail you can get payment link click on that and make the payment online.

Invoice over email

Single click online payment for bulk sms