Jio DLT Content Template Registration Process

- Choose template type first Promotional / Transactional / Service. Choose Service category for OTP and service SMS after registration.
- Then select already approved header from which this sms will be sent.
- Then type template name for your reference.
- Then add sms content in template message box.In message where SMS data gets changed everytime for every user there add insert variable from above.
There are 4 types of Communications in Bulk SMS Service
1) Transactional – Any message in which content OTP is required to complete Banking transactions initiated by only bank customers will only be considered as transactional.
Ex. – 3454555 is the otp for the trxn of inr {#val#} at phonepay service.
2) Service Implicit– Any message arising out of customer’s actions or existing relationships with the enterprise that is not promotional will be considered as Service implicit message.
Ex. – Dear {#val#}, Your OTP is {#val#}. By Team ABC Com
3) Service Explicit– These are the messages with require explicit consent from customers, that has been verified directly by recipients in a robust and verifiable manner and recovered by the consent registrar. Any service message which doesn’t fall under the service-implicit category.
Ex. – Your Rs {#val#} exclusive vouchar is UNUSED!! Redeem it on purchase of Rs. {#val#} at Marks & Spencer Use Code Valid till {#val#}! T&C.
4) Promotional – Any message with an intention to promote or sell a product, goods, or service. Service content mixed with promotional content is also treated as promotional. These messages will be sent to customers after performing the preference and consent scrubbing function.
Ex. – YOU can win Rs. {#val#} in Fantasy cricket use code {#val#}. Install Crickbuzz app now to win Click –