We can do provide a Free SSL certificate named as Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate in Windows Hosting.
It is already present in your Plesk control panel. You can install it.
Steps to install Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate.
1. Login to Plesk control panel here https://win.ssdweb.in:8443 (with your main FTP login details).
2. Click on ‘Websites and domains’ Manu on the menu bar and Find your domain name
3. You will find Let’s Encrypt option, click on it.
4. Next screen, Enter your email address in the’ email address’ field.
5. If you want to see https secure site on browsing of your domain name which is followed by “www” prefix, then click on the checkbox of ‘Include www.domain.com as an alternative domain name.’
6. At last click on the install button.
Your let’s encrypt SSL certificate will be installed within a minute.
Now you can browse your website with a secure server as https://<your-domain-name.com>