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Master Your Workspace Your Way

Google Workspace Admin Console

Manage users effectively, control their access to crucial resources, have customized device configurations, and deploy appropriate security measures. 
Google Workspace Reseller India
Welcome to Google Workspace – Google Admin Console Services

Your All-in-One Admin Hub: Manage Users Like a Pro

Using the Google Admin Console, an administrator is in a position to handle all Google Workspace services in a professional manner that enhances their running. The mobile app features provide flexibility and control, helping businesses maintain operational efficiency and data integrity.

The Google Admin Console for Business provides proper tools for users' administration, device control, and advanced security settings adjustments with the help of a single and user-friendly solution, which simplifies the administration process and its results.

SSD Web’s Dependable Help for Streamlined IT Workflow Management

Learn how to manage devices, users, and security controls within an organization. 
Dedicated IT experts for handling your workspaces 
Set up geographical locations for user accounts
Around-the-clock endpoint management 

Manage Users On-the-Go

The Google Admin Console mobile app allows small business owners to manage user accounts and access permissions from anywhere. This ensures that only authorised personnel have access to specific tools and data, enhancing overall security and compliance. This includes device configuration, monitoring, and remote actions to maintain a secure and productive environment, as discussed by the following features: 


Effortless User Management

Efficient user management in terms of provision of access rights as well as management of users' access to resources. Google admin console for business has predefined many user accounts and organisational units and provided an almost seamless way of changing access permissions. 

Create and Manage User Accounts Efficiently
Setup and Manage Organisational Units
Control Access Permissions Effectively
Ensure Policy Smooth Compliance 

Advanced Device Management

Improve player's protection and efficiency with pro-level device administration functions. Set up devices and the processes around them to fit your organisation's requirements. 
Configure Device Settings Remotely
Monitor Device Compliance and Status
Implement Remote Actions for Security
Ensure Device Security and Productivity



Robust Security Settings

The Google Admin Console enables two-step verification, data loss prevention, and activity monitoring to safeguard your organisation's sensitive information.
Configure Advanced Security Settings
Enforce Organisational Security Policies
Monitor Security Compliance Continuously
Protect Organisational Data and Privacy

Additional services

We Offer More!

Customisable Settings

Customise your Google Workspace settings to meet your business needs. The Google Admin Console allows you to tailor services and policies to fit your specific requirements, ensuring a personalised and efficient workspace.

Detailed Reporting

Generate detailed reports on user activity, device compliance, and security incidents. These insights help small business owners make informed decisions and maintain a secure and efficient workspace. 

24/7 Support

Access 24/7 support from Google experts. Whether you need assistance with user management, security settings, or device policies, Google’s support team is always available to help you navigate and optimise the Admin Console.


How can I effectively manage several accounts in the Google Google Admin Console?
To ensure effective administration, use the user management tools to establish, maintain, and allocate access to user accounts and groups.
What safeguards can I put in place using the Google Google Admin Console?

To protect the data in your company, set up and implement thorough security policies, keep an eye on compliance, and take remote action.

Is it possible to obtain up-to-date information on my Google Workspace setup?
Indeed, real-time insights and analytics are provided by the advanced reporting tools, assisting you in making wise decisions and maximising performance.

Google Starter Plan Includes 
Google Apps for Business

Google Workspace is a GSuite which includes apps for your business success!

gmail business email
Google Slides
Google Drive
Google Admin Console
Google Meet
Google Forms
Google Docs
Google Chat
Google Sheets
Google Sites
Google Calendar
Google Keep

Contact Us

The administrators get control over the tools that help manage the users, groups, and organisational units. This also helps to protect the rights of the user and follow up on organisational policies in an efficient manner. 

Fill out the form below to schedule a demo and discover how Google Admin Console for Business can transform your business communication.

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